Thursday, September 1, 2011

Starting a neighborhood association

In addition to all my other responsibilities at work, the beginning of a new semester, continuing my rehab, and starting a kitchen remodel, I have taken on trying to organize a neighborhood association (Midtown North Neighborhood Association at When I look at it in that context, I wonder what I was thinking. That regularly happens to me when I am at work and I wonder why I promised so much work for my collaborators. The neighborhood association idea has happened because it is always a well received idea with neighbors when it comes up, and then nothing happens. I have entirely more experience organizing and leading meetings than I expected as part of being a faculty member. I am also starting to serve on faculty senate, chairing my departmental awards committee, on the departmental promotion and tenure committee, and then there are all the graduate student committees that I serve on. Service is a part of my job description, but most of us don't get into academia for the committees.

I sometimes think that my midwestern lutheran upbringing was excellent training for being a faculty member - lots of activities, everyone chipping in to make things happen regardless of how important the things might be, and being reliable about attending and eventually organizing those events. I noticed that as a graduate student I was always helping out and it was second nature. And it wasn't second nature for all the students... That desire to be involved got me positions as student representative on various committees. The point of all this is that I am comfortable being the driver of the initial organization of the neighborhood association.

I discovered that I am a little less comfortable going up to neighbors I have never met and discussing this. The moment I did this, I started to feel like a politician. But I think I will get over that soon. I am mainly interested in spreading the word about what I've done to this point so people who are interested can get involved. I have tried to create an electronic footprint for the association, with a FB page and a companion page on my blog. Trying to get noticed by the google search engine has been slower than I expected - they own blogspot so one would think they can access it pretty quickly.

In terms of my rehab, it has possibly been slowed a little by my recent efforts related to our kitchen work. Maybe it is rehab to scrape floors and paint ceilings and walls? I suspect I could have focused my exercises more and gotten a little more benefit. On the plus side, I have gotten noticeably stronger recently. So maybe construction is good rehab... The net result is that at around 12 weeks (odd how it is hard to remember the count now and it used to be so easy) I am finally starting to walk without a limp. My pedaling motion is also getting smoother on the bike. My PT has become more dynamic including lunges and moving from a squat to being on my toes. That last one makes me think about jumping even though I am still a bit from doing that. It was really exciting to able to move the leg press sled with 10 lbs of weight (plus the sled and my body weight) on it with my left calf at the end of my last session.

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