I have noticed that being on crutches or a knee walker creates an issue with hygiene. Unless you can reach the sink while sitting on the toilet, it is hard not to put unclean hands on support equipment to get in position to wash your hands. Washing your hands after that only partially mitigates this issue. So wiping the equipment has become an additional step in the process when possible, which is not always the case.
Completely unrelated to this, being semi-conscious at home last week and not having cable meant watching lots of internet tv from netflix and hulu. I got frustrated that the only way the writers seem to be able to create tension in thrillers is to have people do stuff that should get them into trouble, like cheating or stealing or abusing their jobs in some way. I guess you can't create a "taut thriller" without stupidity causing the problem. So we fell into watching more "period" movies where the drama comes from revealing an interesting set of events...
I am happy to report over 200 pageviews so far on my blog. I am hoping to make it more entertaining as I move from status updates on the injury into the rehab process and getting back to work concerns.
As an update on my recovery, I was doing great going into day 9 of recovery - starting to work and stopping pain meds. And then as I was heading outside to work and sit in the sun, I tripped, started to fall, and put weight on my injured foot. I am hoping I didn't do any real damage (it is hard to tell but I think it is just additionally sore/bruised) but feel like it took me backwards a couple of days in healing.
Shortly after that, I went for an acupuncture appointment. The treatment showed me how out of balance my system is after surgery. She explained that there are many meridians of energy flow that travel through the area that I and then surgeon messed up. I was extremely sensitive to some simple treatments and am hoping that she is helping me move along in my recovery quickly, at least when I don't cause my recovery to go backwards.
There pens that have antibacterial grips, I wonder if certain brands of crutches also do.