Saturday, June 11, 2011

Waiting for surgery...

I am in the holding period waiting for surgery on Monday afternoon. I tried to do a little more on Friday wearing my walking boot, watering our raised gardens and making quite a few trips up and down the stairs. I now have grown a bit of a cankle and am seeing the rainbow of colors from yellow to black showing up below the injury. Teresa got me out of the house today and it was really enjoyable even though it wasn't a big adventure. We went to the museum of the rockies, saw the frog exhibit, and then did a little shopping, trying to anticipate post-surgery needs and wants. Mainly it was nice to get out of the house and spend time with her before I become really dependent on her next week. Being able to chat with some of the neighbors and friends we ran into while we were out was also nice.

Some of the ramifications of getting injured that you don't think about are the impacts on other people. We were going to remodel our kitchen at the end of June, but have moved that project to August at the earliest. My students aren't getting much attention as well as some of my other research projects that are just sitting still. I also see the impacts for Teresa because I have been her main exercise partner and she is having to take time off work next week to take care of me. She has signed up for some fun local mountain bike clinics and hopefully will link up with some (new) friends that are at her level for some further adventures this summer. It will be a bit of a role reversal for her to come back and tell me about her adventures in the next couple of months. And Buster (our dog) is getting lots of love but not as much exercise as normal.

We've been discussing how to modify my diet since my calorie consumption is going to drop. Probably the easiest thing to drop is beer, but I am reluctant on that one. I think I am more interested in smaller portions than that...


  1. You should compensate by increasing your upper body workouts (pull ups, push ups) I'm sure you can burn off equal amounts of beer

  2. Just substitute the beer with vodka or gin and water during your rehab.
