Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Recovery Day 1

My surgery went well yesterday. The surgeon said that while it was ruptured, it wasn't as much of a mess as he usually sees and that it was an "easy" repair. Teresa joked later (not to the doctor) about asking for a discount on the surgery because it was easier than normal. My pain levels have been minimal but I didn't sleep well last night. I discovered sleeping on my stomach halfway through the night and that made it much nicer.

I chose to have a spinal anesthetic which created a few new experiences. The slow loss of feeling to lower extremities while they were positioning me was unusual. And then regaining feeling and the happiness that things were working again. While my gentleman's vegetables were still numb, I got an itch in that area that I couldn't seem to scratch. Eventually the feeling returned, but I've had some psycho-somatic itchiness from that experience. They did give me versed during the surgery so I don't remember any of it and am happy about that. I woke up and once the feeling returned, I felt good almost immediately. I am also taking a little aspirin to help to prevent blod clots that they observed as a rare complication here - not sure if that is related to living at higher elevation or not. I will also be starting to work with my acupuncturist this week to try to speed the recovery process.

I left the surgery in a splint which I have to wear for two weeks. Then onto a dynamic splint (the day before my birthday) and some weight bearing for the following two weeks. By four weeks, I will be in a walking boot and by eight I should be walking without support.

I have enjoyed all the emails, FB posts, phone calls and comments here supporting me in the recovery. It seems like a little thing to do that, but it is appreciated.

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